
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Summer Learning Ideas and Resources

For children, summer is a time for relaxing and exploring, playing with friends, meeting new ones, spending time with your family, traveling or staying at home.  The unstructured time of summer can be a good time to inquire and learn new things as well as sharpen skills and knowledge gained this past year.

Here are some resources and ideas for parents to engage in with their children to keep their acquired skills and knowledge sharp as well as to allow for some new learning.

1. Common Sense Media has a Summer Learning Guide which has ideas for digital learning such as coding, language, science, tinkering and more. Click here for the link.

2. Ms Mairi, PYP Librarian, put together some ideas for supporting language learning over the summer. These are separated by grade levels and include a list of resource links. See below.

Summer Language Learning
EY to Grade Two
Language Activities for the Summer Vacation
  • -  Beginner phonics books (
  • -  Starfall- Online phonics:
  • -  Reading signs, symbols, everyday objects
  • -  Sight word games:
  • -  Visit a library
  • -  Link to RIS Language blog with more ideas:
  • -  Make invitations for friends and family to visit
  • -  Making a nature journal (
  • -  Writing a recipe for their favourite food together
  • -  Talk about simple instructions for everyday things, e.g. how to wash the dishes,
    make the bed. Include each step clearly and include time order (First, Next, After
    that) and what they action verb is (Wash, Dry, Make, Rinse, Mix).
  • -  Trip reviews-write a simple recount about an activity they have taken part in.
    Focus on including who, what, when, where, why and how.
  • -  Make a short story book, either their own idea or a retell of their favourite story.
    Create new pictures, write sentences to match the picture, write a blurb on the
    back and create a front cover.
  • -  Writing letters or emails to friends and family e.g. pen pals
  •   Speaking and Listening
    • -  Describing pictures or scenes that they can see
    • -  I spy
    • -  20 Questions
    • -  One sentence/One word stories: Retell a favourite story one sentence or one
      word at a time
  •   Viewing and Presenting
    • -  Charades
    • -  Handwriting worksheets (select Print or D’Neailan):

Grade Two to Five
  •   Reading
    • -  eBooks
    • -  Free eBooks from
    • -  Signs, maps, travel brochures
    • -  Current events- newspapers, Online news for kids: ,
    • -  Link to RIS Language blog with more ideas:
    • -  Comprehension activities:
    • -  Parent guide to reading comprehension: ,
  •   Writing
    • -  Create a how to guide for appliances around the house e.g. how to work the
      washing machine, how to make the bed
    • -  Be a journalist- write a newspaper article about a current event (local or global)
    • -  Research and write a biography about their favourite author or celebrity
    • -  Create comic strip (Comic Maker app - free)
    • -  Interactive writing games:
      resources/student-interactives/ and
  •   Speaking and Listening
    • -  Interviewing a family member or friend about their life or job
    • -  Preparing a speech:
  •   Viewing and Presenting
- Handwriting worksheets and activities (select D’Neailan or cursive): , http://www.first-
General Websites
  •   Monthly calendar of Reading and Writing activities to do at home: resources/activities/monthly-activity-calendars.htm
  •   Summer writing activities:
  •   Online reading:, ,
  •   Online literacy games: 

Summer Math Learning
3. Ms Penny, Grade 4 teacher, has put together a list of math activities, by grade level, to engage in some fun math learning over the summer. It includes online resources for more ideas as well.

EY- Grade Two
Playing Shops
  • -  Practise using coins and notes.
  • -  Order coins and notes from lowest to highest value.
  • -  Set up kitchen scales to weigh products.
  • -  Using measuring tools such as scales, measuring jugs and spoons.
  • -  Setting the oven timer.
  • -  Setting the table for a certain number of guests.
  • -  Sharing food between people in a group.
  • -  Make playdough (
  • -  Search for easy recipes to make together as a family (for example
  • -  Look for patterns in natural or built environments. Eg tiles, animal
  • -  Make jewellery from beads, dried pasta, toys etc.
  • -  Decorate cards and letters for family members with patterns.
  • -  Create a rap or chant that uses repeated sounds and actions.
Looking For Numbers and Counting Opportunities.
  • -  How are numbers used around you? Go on a number hunt at home, at
    the mall, at the airport etc.
  • -  Pick a ‘number of the day’. How many times do you see that number
    written down? Look in the newspaper, on car licence plates, on clocks
  • -  Count the number of cars of a certain colour that you pass on a
  • -  Sort your toys into categories and count how many are in each.
  • -  Find a calendar and count the days until a certain event.

Grade Two to Five
  • -  Make a scrapbook about your favourite player or team, including
    statistics and other mathematical information.
  • -  Keep a record of how many goals or serves (tennis) you can get in a
    row. Try to improve each day!
  • -  Watch a game that is played in thirds, halves or quarters. Make a
    poster with key information for each section of the match.
  • -  Time how long it takes you to run a certain distance or bounce a ball a certain number of times. Make a graph comparing your results against
    someone else.
  • -  If you have the chance to go bowling or play mini golf, take charge of
    the scoring.
- Use a thermometer to measure the temperature each day for a week
(or find weather maps online). Make an iMovie weather report as a summary at the end of the week. Include graphs and charts to help present your information.
  • -  Find recipes online and make them. Be careful with your measuring!
  • -  Estimate the cost of buying all the ingredients you’ll need.
  • -  Double or halve a recipe.
  • -  Invent your own salad, sandwich or smoothie. Write out a recipe so
    that anyone else could make your dish- you will need to make sure
    you include accurate measurements.
  • -  Design your own pizza. Divide it into fractions and plan a different
    topping for each section.
  • -  Ask your parents whether you can be in charge of a cash transaction.
    Calculate how much your items will cost and what change you will
  • -  Create your own clothes or toys catalogue. Include ‘specials’ (50% off,
    $10 discount, 2 for the price of one etc) with the full and reduced
  • -  Plan your dream holiday or birthday party. Include a budget and
    information about timings of activities.
    Websites 1literacymathstips2011.pdf