
Monday, May 4, 2015

Parent iPad Survey Responses

The responses from parents regarding iPads for their child’s education at RIS are very positive..

Responses were received from 75% of the parents in grades 1-4. This was not taking into account the families who may not be returning for the next school year.

Of those who responded, 84% said their child would have an iPad for educational purposes next school year and 77% of those who responded said they are willing to spend up to 200AED on apps.

This is a positive outcome as we plan for next school year.

By early June, there will be a parent information session outlining the educational technology plans for next school year.

Watch the school calendar, 6Delta, Twitter @Raha_school and RIS Facebook page for the date!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Google Can Help Parents Be Tech Geeks

....and possibly stay ahead of their kids!

I recently came across a post on the blog, Digital Literacy, created for parents at United World College in Asia. It has tips for parents, well anyone, on the importance of updating your browser regularly to how to delete cookies. It also has a series of videos explaining simple things such as changing the date on your computer, changing your wallpaper, taking screenshots and much more.

It's worth the read. Save it to your bookmarks so you can access it easily.